
• Do you want to save water? • Do you want to save money? • Do you want to save Planet Earth?

Have you ever wondered what happens to the cold water that runs down the drain, whilst waiting for the hot water to reach the tap or showerhead?
Well, wonder no more! We have designed a combined Electrical and Plumbing System (Patent Pending) that automatically saves the cold water, that is normally wasted.
Once installed, H2Oautosave works automatically, every time that you request hot water from your water supply.
Once installed, you never have to worry about that daily waste, again.
You will save anything from 5 to 15 litres every time that you use hot water. This is, obviously, dependent on how far your taps are from your hot water source.
Installed by properly Qualified and Trained Plumbers, our Product Guarantee is for 3 years.
All you need is a tank, or similar receptacle and you will:
• Save Water
• Save Money
• Save Planet Earth
Our main aim is of saving our very scarce water resources, around the World.
An average City of 5 million people could, easily, save 25 million litres of water per day. PER DAY!
Help us to help Mother Earth heal herself - Contact Us

H2O autosave

Is water the Element that we need the most?? Water is the source of life, it is our most important Resource.

At H2Oautosave, we have always believed that, 100%.

It is for that very reason that we have agonised on how to save water, all around the World, every day, automatically. We determined that the Product had to meet all of these criteria. You will meet them, too, with one installation, followed by years of automatic water-saving.

Due to its automatic operation, you never have to worry about the savings. They will happen, whenever you shower, bath, or do the dishes. 

It is a very, very sustainable Product and is a new, and never-Produced-before, Water-Saving-method. With our innovation, you will IMMEDIATELY REDUCE YOUR ECOLOGICAL FOOTPRINT, as well as contribute to less GLOBAL WATER CONSUMPTION. Imagine if Big Industry followed our lead from home, for a change? It will change the World!

No more water, that has been processed and purified, will be lost down your drains. Sounds unbelievable, right? IT'S NOT!


We're the Solution for TODAY and TOMORROW. 

We have applied our Scientific and Engineering resources to perfect H2Oautosave, to enable everyone to save the most important resource on the Planet. 

Remember, it is not only Water-Saved, but a saving of all the actions that took place in terms of purification, management and transport of the water, that will be reduced. Multiple Carbon footprints will be reduced, all over the World.

Help us to help Mother Earth heal herself.

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Save Water


Save Money


Save Planet Earth

© 2020 H2O autosave